Stretching prior to your exercise routine is cricitcal in preventing injury. The exercises shown are a collection of popular exercises that may help you prepare your body for your workout and keep you from sustaining injury. These exercises are a simplified guide covering a variety of regions of the body and should, not be viewed as specific exercise prescription for any one individual.
Remember, pain is your central nervous system alerting you to an area of your body that requires change in order to prevent injury. If your fitness routine is being interrupted because of recurrent pain or irritation , it is time to have the origin of the problem addressed. Schedule an evaluation and treatment with Dr. Rubino, Manual Physical Therapist and start your recovery process the right way from the beginning.
These exercises are purely educational and are not designed to be specific exercises prescribed to treat any condition you may or may not be experiencing. They should not be painful in any way. Please consult a qualified Doctor of Physical Therapy or health care practitioner if you suspect an injury or are experiencing uncontrolled pain which may require a comprehensive examination and treatment.